ArchiveMarch 2014

Our High Priest | Mike Bradley

A sermon on Hebrews 2:17–18.
This lies at the bottom of all the saints’ communion with Christ,—a deep, fixed, resolved persuasion of an absolute and indispensable necessity of a righteousness wherewith to appear before God.

The Death of Death | Mike Bradley

A sermon on Hebrews 2:14–16.
The first and principal end of the Lord Christ's taking on a human nature, was not to reign in that nature, but to suffer and die in it.

The Epistle of Christ | Mike Bradley

Nothing is glorious like our God is glorious. He is glorious in holiness. His splendor can not be fully declared by any created thing, but of all created things, there is one thing that most fully declares the glory of God. This is called the Epistle of Christ. It is the letter that God has written about himself to declare his own glory.

Random Quote

It is to no purpose to set ourselves merely to watch against the eruptions of actual sins in the frames of our hearts, in the thoughts of our minds, or outward actions. If we would preserve ourselves from multiplying our defilements, if we would continually be perfecting the work of holiness in the fear of the Lord, it is this we must set ourselves against. The tree must be made a good if we expect good fruit; and the evil root must be digged up, or evil fruit will be brought forth;

— John Owen
