I wrote this to myself. I am generally harsher with myself than with others. Yet it has been enough of a help to me in recent months that I decided to put it up in case it is useful to someone else.
Why don’t you care more about Christ than you do?
Surely you will agree that you ought to care more for him. He is God after all. He did die on account of sins such as yours. Yet what care do you give him in return? Perhaps you read your Bible. Perhaps you go to church and try to follow his laws. Yet I wonder if you really do that for him or if you do that for you. Think about the last time you read your Bible or prayed, did you do it because a deep care for Christ necessitated seeking him or for some other reason?
Why don’t you care more about Christ than you do?
Surely you will agree that Christ has given his Holy Spirit unto Christians so that they might adore Christ beyond what a person is able to do. Is that how you would describe your care for Christ: so great as to supersede the natural order of things? Is it so great that you search in vain for an analogy in nature but none is to be found so you settle on something much less, like love for a child or a spouse? Or do those loves fit pretty well for you? Perhaps those loves are even greater than the love you have for God. Surely this can not be the care that only the might of God is able to produce.
Why don’t you care more about Christ than you do?
The answer I can come up with is because I am a very great sinner. My soul, my heart, my mind, and my strength are given to things that are not God. These things I care for and so little room is left for God. That is why I don’t care more about Christ than I do. Yet he is pushing those things out of my life. Slowly yet steadily they are leaving to make room for me to love him.