

A sermon from Hebrews 5:4-6: And no one takes this honor for himself, but only when called by God, just as Aaron was. So also Christ did not exalt himself to be made a high priest


Because of the weakness that a Levetical priest was beset with, namely the weakness that came in as a result of being a sinner, the priest was "obligated to offer sacrifice for his own sins."

Ignorant and Wayward

A sermon on Hebrews 5:2 . . . Jesus Christ is our great high priest who can deal gently with us, who are the ignorant and wayward, because he is meek, lowly, gentle, merciful, and compassionate.

Consider Jesus as Priest

The application of all that I have said is simply this: worship Jesus and adore him for being your priest.

Draw Near

A sermon on Hebrews 4:14–16 . . . The nature of gospel worship consists in this, that it is an entrance with boldness into the presence of God. —Owen

Sharper Than Any Two-Edged Sword

A sermon on Hebrews 4:12–13
Excerpt: He “smites the earth with the rod of his mouth, and slays the wicked with the breath of his lip,” Isa. 11:4

Strive To Enter

A sermon on Hebrews 4:11

Great oppositions will and do arise against men in the work of entering into God’s rest; that is, as unto gospel faith and obedience —Owen

A Sabbath Rest

Hebrews 4:3-11
Did Christ come, think you, to give you rest in your lusts, in your sins, in your pleasures? God forbid; he came to give you rest from these things in himself; which alone is the rest preached unto you. —Owen

Promises and Threatenings | Mike Bradley

Hebrews 4:3
Faith, being duly exercised about and towards gospel threatenings, yea, the most severe of them, may find the same love and the same grace in them as in the most sweet and gracious promises. —Owen

United By Faith | Mike Bradley

Hebrews 4:2
The great mystery of useful and profitable believing consists in the mixing or incorporating of truth and faith in the souls or minds of believers. —Owen

Random Quote

Oh for determined men and women, who will rise early and really burn out for God. Oh for a faith that will sweep into heaven with the early dawning of the morning and have ships from a shoreless sea loaded in the soul’s harbor ere the ordinary laborer has knocked the dew from his scythe or the huckster has turned from his pallet of straw to spread nature’s treasures of fruit before the early buyers.

— Homer W. Hodge
