He in his infinite mercy hath so interested himself in their case, that he looks upon what is given in charity to them, as given to himself. And when we deny them what their circumstances require of us, he looks upon it that we therein rob him of his right.
One Church | Donald Barnhouse
Speaker: Donald BarnhouseScripture: John 13:35; VariousOriginal: Sermon IndexOriginal Date: Dec 27 1957
Apprehended by Christ | Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Speaker: Martyn Lloyd-JonesScripture: Philippians 3:12-17Original: MLJ TrustOriginal Date: Early 1960’s
God’s Hell | John Wagner
Speaker: John WagnerScripture: Matthew 25:46Original: Sermon AudioOriginal Date: 01/16/2000
John Owen: Of Walking Humbly with God (part 5)
Humble walking with God is the great duty and most valuable concernment of believers. ... This is better than all your preaching, all your hearing, all your private meetings, all your conferences, all your fastings. -John Owen
John Owen: Of Walking Humbly with God (part 4)
Faith will actually bring the soul to the foot of God, and give it up universally to his disposal.. -John Owen
John Owen: Of Walking Humbly with God (part 3)
We can have no power from Christ unless we live in a persuasion that we have none of our own.
John Owen: Of Walking Humbly with God (part 2)
This, then, I say, is that perfection of obedience which makes it walking with God. Whatever comes short of this,—if the heart be not upright, without guile, free from hypocrisy and self-ends,—if the obedience be not universal, it is not walking with God. -John Owen
John Owen: Of Walking Humbly with God
Many there are who have, in notion, received the doctrine of free justification by the blood of Christ, whom, while they are secure in their ways, without trouble or distress, it is impossible to persuade that they do not live and act upon that principle, and walk before God in the strength of it. -John Owen
Except Ye Repent | Paris Reidhead
Speaker: Paris ReidheadScripture: Luke 13:5Original: Sermon AudioOriginal Date:01/01/1980