I had the thought this morning; “why bother getting out of bed, I’m not going to be able to find God anyway.” I think the fear of that despairing thought is what did get me up. Now I am comforted by the thought that despair often turns into gladness. Oh my soul, give up on thy works. You cannot buy God. Learn to rest in Him instead. Trust that Christ purchased communion for you.
I already feel some measure of contentment in the Lord this morning. He will come in His own good time—I will be content with that timing. I hope that this is contentment and not apathy. How am I to know the difference?
Now that I think about it, there is some apathy there. I must be discontent until I conform to his image—yet, I must rest in him to be so conformed. Lord, give me such contented strivings as you would have in me.
Communion Journal