Communion Journal


Lord, let me be a God besotted man. Let my trust be in you, then I will not be moved. It is not the old who are wise, but it is the breath of the Almighty that makes him understand. Let not my labors be counted as vanity. Unless you work, mine is for naught.
Lord, grant me contrition, not apathy; sight, not blindness; wisdom, not arrogance. When I see you as you are, I will praise you like I ought.
For the sake of your Son, leave me not alone. Give me your Spirit, that I may proclaim redemption. Let the nations see that the kingdom of God is not a matter of words but of power. Let them see your salvation and rejoice.

About the author

By Mike

Random Quote

Prayer is our most formidable weapon, the thing which makes all else we do efficient.

— E.M. Bounds
