Communion Journal


Do I desire God like Asaph and Heman? Will I be content with less and go my way? If God does not come, will I still be here searching hours from now, late into the night even? Lord, make me into such a man. Let me not set the standard by what those around me accomplish, but by what your scriptures declare as truth. Thank you for that standard, that I might not be tossed to and fro but may learn to steadily seek after you. Thank you that you will subvert this whole universe towards your will in this, that I might be a searcher of you.

About the author

By Mike

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For when God designed the great and glorious work of recovering fallen man and the saving of sinners, to the praise of the glory of his grace, he appointed, in his infinite wisdom, two great means thereof. The one was the giving of his Son for them, and the other was the giving of his Spirit unto them. And hereby was way made for the manifestation of the glory of the whole blessed Trinity; which is the utmost end of all the works of God.

— John Owen
