Communion Journal


Lord, work your will in me this morning. Let me find you with ease or with difficulty according to your good pleasure.

Your word says; “The righteous gives and does not hold back” (Prov. 21:26). Make me into such a man. Let me follow your example of extravagant love towards those that don’t deserve it. Let your gospel shine forth in this. Thank you that I can depend on you to fill me up as I give away that which I needed and wanted. Lord, you are a rock and a hight tower. Be my assurance of success. As I depend on you alone, men will see that it is not in vain to trust in the Lord. Moreover, my own soul will grow to trust you. Let me hear your voice Lord. If the standard is; “My sheep know my voice,” then I am a poor sheep indeed. Teach me to hear, for I know not how to go about learning other than in prayer and in reading your word.

About the author

By Mike

Random Quote

I knew something more than I had ever previously known of what it was to be despised and rejected, and to have nowhere to lay one’s head; and I felt more than ever I had done before the greatness of that love which induced Him to leave His home in glory and suffer thus for me;

— J. Hudson Taylor
