Communion Journal


Surely Lord, as you provided everything that was good and needful for Adam, so too, will you provide for your Church and even for me. Thank you for your provision and care. Oh my soul, rise up to believe that this care is real, then you will overflow with joy.

In writing this up for the internet later in the day, I was lifted up to joy in the thought that surely, in Christ, God loves us more than Adam. We do not serve a stingy God, but one who delights to show us love abounding. His saints are his jewels. He will deny them no good thing. If recreating an entire cosmos would serve me this moment, surely he would do it. What then will stand between God and his beloved?

About the author

By Mike

Random Quote

To grant, therefore, that there is any spiritual good in us, or any degree of it, that is not wrought in us by the Spirit of God, both overthrows the grace of the gospel and denies God to be the only, first, supreme, and chiefest good, as also the immediate cause of what is so; which is to deny his very being.

— John Owen
