Communion Journal


Praise the Lord, oh my soul, for he is worthy to be praised. He has loved you with an everlasting love. Yet you doubt this and don’t believe. Save me from this wretched unbelief my God. Let me look to the cross and feel more than warm regard. You did not die that I might have warm regard, but that I might be broken and remade. This brokenness you will not despise

About the author

By Mike

Random Quote

Again, the principle to be slain is in ourselves. It cannot be killed without a sense of pain and trouble. Hence it is compared to the cutting off of right hands, and the plucking out of right eyes. Lusts that pretend to be useful to the state and condition of men, that are pleasant and satisfactory to the flesh, will not be mortified without such a violence as the whole soul shall be deeply sensible of.

— John Owen
