Communion Journal


From Psa. 104, oh my soul, look at all God has made and be glad. Rejoice! for all of nature has been created to honor God and to build up His Church. The mountains, seas, beasts, and rains exist for your sake. Will you not herein rejoice, my soul?

I feel like God’s glory has been at the cusp of breaking in several times. I think the thought that holds me back, more than anything else, is the thought that God is near, I need not be happy in Him—it is enough to know He is near. Oh, that I may rebuke that thought. That it might hold no more sway over me or over God’s churches. Instead, may I REJOICE that God is near! And may I not rest until I do. I have work to do this day.

About the author

By Mike

Random Quote

The hypocrite would rather have his faith commended than examined.

— Thomas Watson
