Communion Journal


My heart was finally lifted up—if not to outright rejoicing—then to contrition and brokenness. In this spirit I was able to offer up Godly prayers for myself and those around me. Thank you, oh God, for this ability to pray this morning. May I walk in brokenness before Him this day. For this He will not despise, a broken and contrite heart (Psa. 51:17 ). May I refuse contentment until I find it in Him (Psa. 77:2).

About the author

By Mike

Random Quote

Wherever this word is spoken with respect unto an active efficiency, it is ascribed unto God; he creates us anew, he quickens us, he begets us of his own will. But where it is spoken with respect unto us, there it is passively expressed; we are created in Christ Jesus, we are new creatures, we are born again, and the like; which one observation is sufficient to evert the whole hypothesis of Arminian grace.

— John Owen
