TagCommuning with God

Why Do You Wait?

God has reserved to himself the right and authority to judge the truth of man's salvation. He alone has access to that truth. He has given to his church to judge the fruit of man's salvation.

Lay Pastors: Uneducated Implements of God

I have a theory that God delights to use uneducated men as shepherds in situations where we turn the pursuit of God into the empty traditions of religion. Here are some examples of such men …

A.W. Tozer on The Pursuit of God

In this hour of all-but-universal darkness one cheering gleam appears: within the fold of conservative Christianity there are to be found increasing numbers of persons whose religious lives are marked by a growing hunger after God Himself. They are eager for spiritual realities and will not be put off with words, nor will they be content with correct “interpretations” of truth. They...

What Is Owed Us?

Like everything else in Christianity, communion is never owed to the Christian. There is a large temptation when seeking after God, to think, “If I do this particular thing, then God will owe me his presence.” The older, wiser Christian learns that this is wrong fairly quickly, but then often gets stuck in a more mature version of the same thought: “If I do this particular...

Knowing God

Learn to NOT be content unless you are wearing Him like a robe and then you will find contentment in feast and in famine.
Be at peace with him all your days by being in communion with his presence always.

Random Quote

We can have no evidence of our interest in God’s decree of election, whereby we are designed unto life and glory, without holiness effectually wrought in us. Wherefore, as our life depends upon it, so do all our comforts.

— John Owen
