I have a theory that God delights to use uneducated men as shepherds in situations where we turn the pursuit of God into the empty traditions of religion. Here are some examples of such men …
A Story of Regeneration
Who doesn’t like a good conversion story?
Besides being heart-warming, this video is a good example to those struggling with their view of regeneration of what it looks like in reality.
If you like Paul Washer, here are a couple of longer videos that I like of him:
Shocking Youth MessageTen Indictments
When you think of self-discipline, what type of person comes to mind? I think of a career marine officer. The type that gets up before dawn, even if there is no particular need to, and goes for a run. His bed is made, his pantry is organized, his diet is fixed. His whole life is regimented. Perhaps you think of someone else. Perhaps an Olympic athlete or a self-help guru. Don’t we know that...
An Ulster Revival Story
Though the origin of a movement of God cannot be fixed by man, many attribute the beginnings of Ireland’s 1859 Ulster Revival to a humble prayer group of four Christians. These men dedicated themselves to pray for their own edification and the salvation of others around them. Once the revival was underway, over 10,000 converts were made in the first few weeks, and by the end of the year...
The Conversion of David Brainerd
What follows is an account of the conversion of David Brainerd in his own words, as taken from the Life and Diary of David Brainerd which is published in Vol. 2 of The works of Jonathan Edwards. “I was from my youth somewhat sober, and inclined rather to melancholy than the contrary extreme; but do not remember any thing of conviction of sin, worthy of remark, till I was, I believe, about seven...
What Can We Expect From God?
If we were acting by His power, we would expect our lives to be transformed into holy, righteous living sacrafices.
Suffer for God Not for Vanity
Do you not know that the suffering of the saints is good tender towards the redemption of souls?
Take Not Thy Holy Spirit from Me
David needed God in a way we typically do not.