What did the faith of George Müller look like? Here is a story I found browsing around the internet: I went to America some years ago with the captain of a steamer, who was a very devoted Christian. When off the coast of Newfoundland he said to me, “The last time I crossed here, five weeks ago, something happened which revolutionized the whole of my Christian life. We had George Müller of...
Finding God’s Will
Men who follow after God are often asked, “how does God guide you?” Is it by signs and wonders or a still small voice? Perhaps he guides through open and closed doors or through fleeces laid out? Does God bring to mind things from his word or while in prayer? Is there a special peace that accompanies such leadings? Where does godly council fit in? I may not be very holy, and I have...
John Paton’s Spiritual Upbringing
And in this world, or in any world, all their children will rise up at mention of their names and call them blessed!
A Seeker’s Prayer
I was ministering to someone and wrote this prayer for her. I had hoped to write it as a prayer that someone who was seeking God could pray as a non-Christian (what her state seemed to be) but would also be appropriate for her if she already knew God. Oh God most high and holy, I understand that you are worthy to be praised with my every breath, and loved with all the love that I am able to offer...
Combating a New Arminianism
Worship should never be passive, but it is the passive part of worship that is pleasing to God. Love should never be without work, but it is the non-working part of love that fulfills the command. We are saved by faith alone, but faith that saves is never alone.
What Can We Expect From God?
If we were acting by His power, we would expect our lives to be transformed into holy, righteous living sacrafices.
Take Not Thy Holy Spirit from Me
David needed God in a way we typically do not.
Knowing God
Learn to NOT be content unless you are wearing Him like a robe and then you will find contentment in feast and in famine.
Be at peace with him all your days by being in communion with his presence always.