
A Slave for Christ

Leonard Dober determined that God’s call to him was to reach slaves in the Virgin Islands. He planned to reach these men and women by selling himself as a slave and working alongside others each day while sharing Jesus’ love with them.

The Wounded Soul

It takes a wound. This wounding must be done by God. He has a way of striping our souls bare and exposing the depths of what we are. We all fear—deep down—that we are failures. The wounding comes when we see the truth of these things. The one wounded freely acknowledges that everyone ought hate him. Until now, he has feared that his family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers would discover...

A Passion Filled Life

Did you know that you might die soon? How does that thought make you feel? Maybe within a year you will be dead. Did you know that you will suffer in this life? You might even suffer greatly. What thoughts does that evoke in you? For some of you, you are getting excited just hearing those questions and thinking those thoughts. A smile is coming to your lips and a twinkle is coming to your eyes...

If God Loves Me, Why Don’t I Suffer

During a pastor’s conference in 1999, in response to a question regarding the lack of persecution in America, John Piper said the following: Avoidance ethics, avoidance ethics, is probably not what Paul meant by; “Those who desire to be Godly will be persecuted (2Tim. 3:12).” I think Godliness is such a radical God-orientation that you are freed from the things of this world for...

Suffer for God Not for Vanity

Do you not know that the suffering of the saints is good tender towards the redemption of souls?

Church Revival, Then and Now

I would speculate that a church that doesn’t yearn for its revival, for its salvation, for its sanctification, has no business existing in the first place.
We who plead for revival, are we willing to accept the cost that revival will come by?

Random Quote

Wherever this word is spoken with respect unto an active efficiency, it is ascribed unto God; he creates us anew, he quickens us, he begets us of his own will. But where it is spoken with respect unto us, there it is passively expressed; we are created in Christ Jesus, we are new creatures, we are born again, and the like; which one observation is sufficient to evert the whole hypothesis of Arminian grace.

— John Owen
